P.O BOX 8732


( 76 chances- Tanzanian mainland )

( 13 chances – Zanzibar )

( 2 chances – Mafia )

Our clientl is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. They believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected.
Our Client's, Department of Children Services and UNICEF are partnering to operationalize the Child Protection Centers (CPCs) in Tanzania that will be one stop facilities for children protection services and referral centers for children in distress and their families all over the country.

Duties for the Legal Officer Job 

·      Provide legal advice on matters relating to child protection issues and court representation for child protection cases at the CPCs.
·      Prepare child witnesses from the CPCs for hearings in court.
·      Watching brief in cases of defilement referred to the CPCs.
·      Develop a capacity building plan for partners and communities on child protection issues and court representation for child protection cases for CPCs.
·      In consultation with the project team, develop training materials for partners and community trainings on child rights.
·      Disseminate Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials outlining legal instruments that safeguard children and their rights to partners and communities in the CPCs.
·      Training partners and communities on children rights and disseminating legal instrument that safeguard children.

Legal Officers Job Qualifications

·      At least An Advanced Diploma in Law from a recognized Institution of learning( highly desirable )
·      At least A Bachelors degree in Sociology / Social Works /Psychology
·      Able to treat children and women with passion and love
·      Able to move extensively in the rural areas and intermingle with the local community
·      Able to drive a car and a motorbike in some cases
·      A good computer user with accurate reasoning in matters related to child/women abuse
·       Basic experience working in child protection and/or child rights programming

Key Skills and competencies

·      Good people skills
·      Confidentiality
·      Good report writing skills
·      Experience in developing capacity building plans
·      Experience in developing training materials for partners and communities
·      Good facilitation skills
·      Experience in developing policy briefs with a view to influence key child protection policies at the District/Regional and national level
-Applicants should forward a Covering Letter with up to date CV to
with ‘DISTRICT LEGAL OFFICER’ in the subject line of the email.

- APPLY ONLY ONCE BEFORE OR ON 31/01/2017Procurement 2.

2. Procurement Officers

(27-Tanzania )
(15- Kenya )

Job Description


Our client  delivers stabilisation, development and conflict transformation programming in some of the most challenging locations in the world, from the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon to Bahrain, rural Yemen and Syria, where for the past five yearsit has been at the forefront of the response to the conflict. Working for governmental donors, Our client has supported conflict-affected communities on the ground. Programmes have included sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) responses and launching the programme of life-saving support to Syria’s Civil Defence teams. We have a highly dynamic, capable, multinational team with offices in Dubai, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, London and Washington DC.

With its current expansion into Eastern Africa and A Regional Office in Dar Es Salaam, and as part of the Eastern Africa’s Corporate Headquarters Team, this role will contribute to the strategic and operational development of the group across the region, Build the capacity of project programme teams to manage contracts, sub-grant agreements and procurement needs in the fields. Support project implementation by providing advice on complex regulatory challenges and contracts.

Tasks & Activities
• Develop and maintain procurement systems and policies to ensure coherence as well as compliance with industry standards
• Advise Country Office staff in the development of specifications and Statements of Work (SoW), drafting of competitive tenders and evaluation of technical and cost proposals for the procurement of goods and services
• Oversee implementation of procurement of goods and services ensuring that resultant Purchase Orders (PO), Service Provision Agreements (SPA) and Long Term Agreements (LTA) are drafted and executed in a timely manner in accordance with ARK Group policy and procedures
• Provide policy guidance to programme staff and contractors in accordance with donor regulations
• Advise the Head of Corporate Services on Logistic & Procurement (L&) staffing requirements and manage Regional  Office staff responsible for L&P processes in the Regional Offices
• Oversee asset management and inventory in conjunction with Country Office L&P staff
• Lead the implementation and improvement of IT systems to stream-line L&P processes in line with industry supply-chain standards.

- Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
- Over 2 years of relevant work experience (NGO experience is a plus)
-Knowledge of international donor rules and compliance.

- Strong communication skills to develop effective relationships with project staff and budget managers
-Strong project management skills, attention to detail and problem-solving ability.

- Fluent in English
-Willingness to travel regularly in the  region.

-Successful Kenyan applicants will hear from us through email by the fist week of February and should therefore keep their email accounts active by then

-Applicants should forward a Covering Letter with up to date CV to
 with ‘Procurement officer’ in the subject line of the email.
-Apply only once ON OR BEFORE 31/01/2017
