Other District Other Location
Industry: Healthcare
Minimum Qualification: Certificate
Minimum Experience: 1 year
Academic Qualifications:
  • Certificates in nursing
  • License to practice from TNMC
  • At least 1 year of working experience
Duty Station Ukerewe, Magu, Sengerema, Buchosa, Nyamagana districts of Mwanza, Tanzania
Reporting to Lead Nurse
Complete applications should be submitted electronically to:
The Aga Khan Health Services at hr@akhst.org with the subject line of the position or hand delivered to PMC - MWANZA, P. O. Box 2289, Ocean Road, Dar es Salaam.
A client seeks to hire a qualified candidate for the position of an Enrolled Nurse

  • Application deadline 2018-03-22
  • Enrolled Nurse job, Enrolled Nurse job, Enrolled Nurse job, Teacher job,Enrolled Nurse, Teacher job, Enrolled Nurse job