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Consultancy Overview - Tanzania SBCC Systems Audit
The Consultant will conduct a systems audit of key influencers, stakeholders, and alliances for Social and Behavior
Change Communication (SBCC) at the national and regional levels to support the USAID Tulonge Atya Project in
Tanzania. This systems audit includes mapping SBCC systems within the Ministry of Health, identifying and
summarizing SBCC stakeholders (inc1uding IPs, 10 al CSOS, and donors), relationships between SBCC actors, existing
capacity strengthening initiatives, and potential in-country consultants at both the national and regional levels.
Detailed Description of Tasks to be Performed
Task 1: Review of project documents develop protocol and report outline (Not to exceed: 3 days LOE)
• Review USAID T,lIlonge Atya project documents and meet (in person or virtual) with technical staff to discuss
• project's expectations. With USAID Tulonge Afya staff IS input develop criteria and search parameters for the
SBCC Systems Audit at the 'national, find regional level. This will serve as the guiding protocol for the SBCC
Systems Audit. The protocol should include search and outreach methods, criteria for identification of key
stakeholders and potential consultant roster, content to include in the report, a time line and work plan for completing data collection.
The USAID Tulonge Atya staff will provide an inittalllst of contacts, organizations, and consultants. It is expected the
consultant will build on this list.
Develop an outline for Tanzania SBCC Systems Audit Report and accompanying analysis matrices. It is
anticipated that this report will include at minimum:
⦁ methodology section
⦁ map of SBCC systems that includ'e)(jsting SBCC stakeholders (government, nongovernmental, donors etc.) and their mandates, priorities, and activities
⦁ existing processes and methods for communication and collaboration within government among
⦁ descriptions of relationships and alliances between stakeholders
⦁ analysis of strengths and weaknesses
⦁ inventory of existing capacity strengthening acitvities currently underway
⦁ contact and skills matrix of potential consultants with experience in SBCC and institutional development
The report should be highly detailed with specifics of SBCC stakeholders mandate, activities, points of contact,
future and areas of potential collaboration with U&AID Tulonge Afya.
Task 2: Conduct SB~C Systems Audit (Not to exceed: 15 days of LOE). Based on the agreed upon protocol (from Task 1)1 complete the SBCC Systems Audit.
Task 3: secc Systems Audit Report (Not to exceed: 8 days of,LOE)
⦁ Draft SBCC Systems Audit Heport..The Landscape Analysis Report should follow the agreed upon format under
Tasks 1 AII reports submitted to FHI360 should be copy edited and formatted.
⦁ Final SBCC Systems audit Report addressing FHI 360 feedback and comments.
The total estimated duration of the assignment is 26 working days.
Preferred Qualifications I Requirements: ,
⦁ Master's degree or its international equivalent in communication, public health, social sciences or related field;
experience with SBCC programs an advantage
⦁ Understanding of and expertise of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health, and SBCC systems stakeholders and processes
⦁ Understanding of and experience with mapping networks and relationships
⦁ At least 7 years of experience supporting SBCC programs in a development field
⦁ Excellent English verbal and written communication skills
⦁ Demonstrated ability to write reports and analytical documents in English
⦁ Knowledge of the Tanzania culture and social environment
⦁ Experience working in Tanzania preferred
⦁ Excellent people skills, and ability to conduct interviews
⦁ Ability to set priorities and meet deadlines
Application Guidelines
FHI360 requests that all applications submissions be organized in the manner and format described below.
⦁ Updated CV and references.
⦁ Written statement (2-3 paragraphs) of why Applicant is suitable for the assignment and availability
Please send submissions by Monday 23 April 2017 to: tz_recruitment@fhi360.org imary School Class Teacher job, Driver job, Government job,Government job, Primary School Class Teacher job
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