Arusha Mjini Arusha
2018 TO 2022 - FAIDA MALI
Seeking for a Consultant
  1. Background
    Faida Market Link (Faida MaLi) is a registered; Tanzanian based Non-Profit Company by guarantee without share capital; Registration no. 46086) (TIN number 101-940-306). The Company was established after realization that small-scale farmers are often unable to take advantage of the increasing opportunities for entrepreneurial development offered by market liberalization and the ever growing private agro-industrial investment. Faida MaLi aims to play a valuable facilitation role in linking farmers to agricultural companies in out growers’ schemes and other markets in ensuring that the services required in the building of sustainable partnerships are available. The organization has internal capacity of dynamic Market Linkage Facilitators who link farmers to profitable markets locally, regional and international. The main focus is ensuring sustainable access to markets for rural women, men and youth of Tanzania by the application of the “Faida 10-Steps Market Linkage Approach” through value chain development and out growers schemes and the implementation of M4P(Make Markets Work for the Poor) Approach.
Faida MaLi core objective is to identify and promote business opportunities in rural areas and to support producers in transforming these into tangible economic activities that increase income and create employment opportunities in the rural areas. The organization empower women, men and youth in rural Tanzania to access profitable markets through capacity building of smallholder farmers in their community-based organizations. Faida MaLi particularly strengthens farmer’s business management capacity, leadership skills, good governance, negotiation skills, bargaining power, farming as business, gross margin calculations (to establish pricing benchmark), contract farming arrangements with agri-produce buyers, decision making power, farm planning and agronomic skills to produce quality and quantity produce and maintain long term business contract relationships with off-takers/crop buyers.
  1. Objectives
    The main objective of the consultancy is to assist Faida MaLi through a participatory process involving staff, board members and partners including donors, to develop a five-year strategic plan (2018-2022). Specific objectives include the following: To review Faida MaLi implementation so far, and operating environment benchmarked against other companies, with a view to assessing results achieved, lessons learnt, gaps and challenges faced in implementation and making recommendations to inform the Strategic Plan;
    2.1 To develop a comprehensive inception report including lessons learnt from implementation of the current projects, work plans and tools and templates for data collection.
    2.2 To collect and document relevant information to be used in the development of a new strategic plan for Faida MaLi through facilitating an analysis of the internal and external environment.
    2.3 To organize and facilitate consultative meetings with Faida MaLi staff, board members and partners aimed at collecting information for the development of the Strategic Plan.
    2.4 To develop a five-year strategic plan (2018 - 2022) for Faida MaLi.
  2. Scope of Work
    The consultant will work with the Faida MaLi Senior Management team (Finance Officer and Programmes Manager) in constant consultation with the General Manager. The process entails the following, among others:
    3.1 Review relevant Faida MaLi documents including policy documents in place, and programs documents
    3.2 Design relevant tools for the internal and external assessments.
    3.3 Interview Faida MaLi Board, staff and partners.
    3.4 Carry out in-depth analysis of Faida MaLi capacity and approaches and propose areas of improvement.
    3.5 Facilitate feedback meetings on the assessments and in-depth analysis of Faida MaLi capacity development approaches to identify strengths, gaps and strategic drivers and goals.
    3.6 Facilitate a review of Faida MaLi vision, mission, core values and strategic objectives.
    3.7 Formulate the strategy that will guide implementation of the strategic goals.
    3.8 Identify implications of the proposed strategic goals on Faida MaLi.
    3.9 Facilitate development of performance measurements and implementation plan of Faida MaLi strategic goals.
    3.10 Facilitate development of a budget for the strategic plan implementation.
4.0 Proposed Methodology
The consultant is expected to develop/modify methodology for organizational assessment to suit Faida MaLi ’s scope, needs and status. In particular, the approach to the development of the strategic plan has to be very participatory and results based. The consultant is expected to serve as a facilitator, providing technical input, good practice in strategic planning, asking the right questions, challenging assumptions and leading participants towards development of a comprehensive result framework that forms the basis of the plan. The emphasis of the plan will be on lessons learnt from previous projects and their application to the future by the analysis of facilitating and hindering factors. The consultant is expected to use their proposal to Faida MaLi for facilitating the development of the strategic plan.
In summary, the consultant will carry out the following broad activities, among others:
4.1 Consult with the designated Faida MaLi core group in order to get a general understanding of the direction of the organization in the context of the current issues.
4.2 Review existing Faida MaLi documents, including the projects documents and policies, as well as any other relevant documents.
4.3 Develop an inception report with methodology for carrying out the assignment and work plan, discuss it with the core group and have it accepted.
4.4 Conduct interviews with samples of stakeholders, board members and staff.
4.5 Facilitate a strategic plan workshop.
4.6 Develop a draft strategic plan using an agreed upon outline, operational plan and budget for one year.
4.7 Distribute the draft strategic plan to the management and receive feedback.
4.8 Finalize the plan incorporating the comments and feedback received and hand over the complete agreed Faida MaLI 5 years Strategic Plan to the General Manager.
5.0 Expected Outputs and Deliverables
At the end of this consultancy, the consultant will be expected to have submitted the following key deliverables:
5.1 Inception Report (detailing work plan and including tools and templates)
5.2 Evaluation Report on Policy and Program documents including successes, lessons learned and strategic issues.
5.3 Draft Strategic Plan.
5.4 Annual operational Plan and Budget.
5.5 Final Strategic Plan.
5.6 A Process Report (a report that documents how the strategy was developed)
6.0 Time Span
The Strategic Plan document is expected to be completed within a period of maximum 30 - days up to the delivery of the document to Faida MaLi Management.
7.0 Expertise
a) Academic qualifications
The lead consultant must possess at least a Masters degree in a relevant field in the area of planning, development studies and public policy.
b) Experience
• At least five years professional experience in strategic planning and management.
• Demonstrated experience in working with Public - Private – Partnership (PPP) partnership and other stakeholders.
8.0 Skills and Competencies
• Ability to work with minimal supervision.
• High level written and oral communications skills in English and Kiswahili.
• Must be result - oriented, a team player, exhibiting high levels of enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and integrity.
• Demonstrate excellent interpersonal and professional skills in interacting with development partners including the government.
• Skills in facilitation of stakeholder engagements/workshops.
• Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments.
• Experience in research, management and programming related work.
9.0 Application Process
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications which should include the following:
9.1 Faida MaLi personal history so far known by the consultant.
9.2 Detailed Curriculum Vitae.
9.3 Proposal with methodology and budget for implementing the assignment.
Interested individuals and or firms are supposed to submit a technical and budget proposal to Faida MaLi detailing their methodology on how to carry out the assignment, a work plan. In addition, 3 references of similar assignments you have successfully undertaken in the last 3 years.
The proposal should reach Faida MaLi not later than close of business 4:30 p.m. on 19th March 2018. The proposal should be submitted in a sealed envelope to the Faida MaLi General Manager through the under provided address. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
NB* Please take note that in-front of the sealed envelope must be well written “ FAIDA MALI CONSULTANCY TO DEVELOP A STRATEGIC PLAN - 2018 TO 2022 ”
The General Manager,
Faida Market Link (Faida MaLi),
Along Nairobi Road,
Block 33 Y Engarenarok Area-
National Housing Street,
P.O. Box 13869,
Arusha - Tanzania (E. Africa).