Other Dar es Salaam District Dar Es Salaam
Salary Currency: Tanzanian Shilling
Project title: Improvement of livelihoods of poor and vulnerable communities in Mtwara through increasing the production of rice and vegetable (Phasing Out – V)
Project ID: TA 2/16/03
SWISSAID started supporting the member led NGO United Peasants of Tanzania (UPT) in 2011, with the aim to improve the livelihoods of poor and vulnerable communities in Mtwara region through increasing the agro-ecological production of rice and vegetable. UPT had 28 groups, 34 animators and 350 individual farmers.
SWISSAID support to UPT has completed five (5) phases, with a total of TZS 342’844’000/= disbursed. The focus of operations has taken place along three main lines of interventions: (1) The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), (2) Vegetables production through agro-ecology, and (3) Organizational development through microfinance groups (VICOBA) and marketing groups.
SWISSAID has terminated its support to UPT after the end of project, phase V. The two key ambitions of this last phase were to consolidate what had been provided in the previous four phases, and to enhance the sustainability of UPT as an organization continuing to bring benefits to its member farmers after SWISSAID’s support has ended.
1.1.Project outcomes and it is core activities
The project were operating in nine (9) villages of the Mtwara rural district, located in Southern Tanzania: Lilido, Chemchem, Mkubiru, Moma, Msakala, ArushaChini, Nachenjele, Nambelekela and Ngonja.
The expected project outcomes and it is core activities include:
i.Outcome 1: Increased production of rice and vegetable in the project areas
§ Core Activity 1: Conduct of 10 training sessions (one per month) by the UPT project officer for the 34 animators, with the occasional assistance of the SWISSAID SPO or POs.
§ Core Activity 2: Regular field visits to farmer groups by the UPT project officer, occasionally accompanied by the Swissaid SPO or POs, to provide technical backstopping.
§ Core Activity 3: Sensitisation to district extension officers on agro-ecology and coordination with them to avoid duplication of effort done through a one day workshop in Mtwara and one day field visit to a FFS.
§ Core Activity 4: Attendance by the UPT project officer to the SWISSAID quarterly meetings in Masasi for continuous trainings and increase of agro-ecological experience and knowledge.
ii.Outcome 2: Increased knowledge and skills on SRI technology
§ Core Activity 5: Training and technical backstopping by SRI/Rice expert, Dr. Kafiriti from NARI through Farmer Field School (FFS) approach, with additional support from UPT project officer. This were supposed to take place in two villages only (Lilido and Chemchem).
iii.Outcome 3: Increased knowledge on seeds production and multiplication to the targeted beneficiaries
§ Core Activity 6: Collaboration with TOSCI experts to train farmers on rice seeds production/multiplication to ensure seeds availability to farmers, and on seed storage to minimize postharvest losses, following the Quality Declared System (QDS) where applicable. Each group.
§ Core Activity 7: Collaboration with TOSCI experts to train farmers on selected vegetable (tomato and eggplants) seeds production/multiplication to ensure seeds availability to farmers, and on seed storage to minimize postharvest losses, following the Quality Declared System (QDS) where applicable.
iv.Outcome 4: Increased access to/and market information for rice and vegetable
§ Core Activity 8: Design a marketing strategy for rice and vegetables producers, built up-on a business plan.
§ Core Activity 9: Support linkages of SRI and vegetable producers with markets through focused marketing initiatives, including but not limited to brokering relations with buyers, advertising campaign, stalls at the markets, and improved packaging.
§ Core Activity 10: Support consolidation of VICOBA groups with the Agha Khan foundation or other organisations.
v.Outcome 5: Improved institutional performance and sustainability of UPT
§ Core Activity 11: Hold a general assembly meeting to elect new EXCOM leaders.
§ Core Activity 12: Develop a sustainability plan (cum income generation strategy), which will detail how UPT can take over the running and operations costs after SWISSDAID’s departure.
§ Core Activity 13: Prepare a five year strategic plan of for UPT after SWISSAID exits.
The consultant will be responsible in assessing and explaining the relevant, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project during implementation and after project phase out. That is;
2.1. Relevant
- To assess to what extent the objectives of the project were relevant to the priorities and policies of the target beneficiaries (smallholder farmers) and fund recipient (UPT).
2.2. Effectiveness
- To evaluate the extent to which the objectives were achieved, over/under achieved against set targets
- To explain the major factors that influenced the achievement, over/under achievement of the stated objectives and targets
2.3. Efficiency
- To examine the cost-efficient between the amount of funding and the output
- To assess if the objectives were achieved and expected output based on the timeframe
- To assess to what extent the project implementation strategy was the most efficient way compared to alternative.
2.4. Impact
- To assess if the project intervention has contributed in improving the livelihood of the targeted smallholder farmers
- To assess to what extent the project has contributed to the increase in production of rice and vegetable among targeted smallholder farmers. Provide quantitative data.
- To assess the adoption rate among smallholder farmers of agro-ecology production of vegetables and SRI for rice
- To assess the extent to which UPT has improved on its capacity building plan and developed a five years strategic plan
- To assess the extent to which project beneficiaries (smallholder farmers and UPT) continue after SWISSAID funding ceased
- To assess the organizational, financial and programmatic sustainability of UPT and the capacity to implement their five years (5) strategic plan.
- To assess the availability of QDS seeds for rice, tomato and eggplant to smallholder farmers after end of project
- Assess the continuation of VICOBA and it benefit to it is member after end of project support
- To evaluate the major factors that influence the achievement/non-achievement of project sustainability
The Consultant will design and conduct the end of project evaluation. The study will include qualitative and quantitative approaches with a variety of primary and secondary data sources including participatory methods. The data sources could include project proposal and reports, primary household interviews, focus groups discussion, key informant interviews, desk-top analysis, historical data and trends to cover all the different dimensions of the project.
The Consultant will be expected to work closely with the SWISSAID SPO and M&E without excluding UPT Project staff and anyone who have oversight responsibilities for this project. The Consultant will also be expected to liaise with Government information systems and other development partners in obtaining some of the already available data.
Study proposal should elaborate the methodology or combination of methodologies to be used and ensure that sample sizes and the structure for quantitative surveys will generate statistically significant information. The overall sample size calculation and sample selection should follow acceptable statistical procedures to help achieve the objectives of the study.
Qualitative information should be accorded equal importance. It is important that the study is designed taking into account project objectives, strategy, activities, outputs and outcomes as spelled out in the approved project document. The study will cover the project intervention district of Mtwara rural in it is respectively nine (9) project villages.
The consultant will collect and analyze information that will define at what level the project objectives and outcomes have been met, over/under achieved as it is explained in the objectives of the study.
The Consultant will meet with the SWISSAID Tanzania project team and its partners (hereby referred as UPT) to clarify the study objectives, design and approach for the end of project evaluation study.
The Consultant (firm) shall submit an inception report containing the agreed study points, the approach and plan to cover the Study within a 7- day period after signing the contract
- Inception Report, delivered not later than 5 days from the date of signing the contract
- Draft reports on project evaluation
- Final reports on project evaluation
- Oral presentation to the SWISSAID and her Partners teams (UPT) may be required;
- A master copy of the final report suitable for reproduction
- Soft copies of the final report
4.2.Time Frame
The study is expected to be completed within a 30 - day period.
The Consultant will submit a budget breakdown. The budget presented should be all inclusive, with the fees, travel and subsistence, communication, taxes and any other applicable cost. The overall budget should not exceed Four million Tanzania shillings (TSh. 4,000,000/=). Unit costs should be calculated as a per day tariff (e.g. fees). Payments will be made as per the schedule to be agreed thereafter
The Consultant will report to Swissaid M&E officer, while keeping the Senior Programmer Officer and the Country Representative copied and informed on the proceedings.
The proposals shall be submitted in two parts, i.e. Technical and Financial.
The technical proposal should include the consultant’s profile detailing the experience, CVs of the proposed team members and the methodology to be used.
The financial proposal should indicate a detailed budget as per approved budget for this study.
Interested consultants or consulting firms are requested to submit hard and soft copy of the proposals to the address below;
Nicholaus Johaness
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
SWISSAID, Tanzania
P.O. Box 34372, Dar Es Salaam
Email address: n.johaness@swissaidtanzania.org; by April 30th 2018
The consultant will be selected on the basis of their proven experience, qualifications and ability to deliver a quality product in time and in efficient manner.
Minimum qualifications and experience of the team members will include:
i. MSc in Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, or related field and at least 5 years of relevant experience (leader);
ii. 5 years’ experience in survey fieldwork (data collection, validation, entry and analysis)
iii. Proven track record in conducting agriculture related studies;
iv. Experience in leading teams in field (training, field logistics, human relations, teamwork)
v. Demonstrable ability, experience and the capacity to undertake the study in project area;
vi. Excellent writing skills, with publication record in one discipline related to assignment
vii. Demonstrable analytical skills; and
viii. Excellent English communication skills
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